Thursday, January 15, 2009

A whole year old

Here it is. The one year anniversary of Freedom 33.5.

When I started this blog 365 days ago, it was an impulse decision. I was home alone on a cold winter night with nothing on TV and that indescribable desire to do something meaningful in the year ahead. I'd recently starting reading other people's blogs pretty regularly and the thought suddenly popped into my head: I should have a blog!

But what would I have to say? What would I have to share that people would want to read.

The debt angle most likely occurred to me because I was in a constant state of worry about how I was going to get it under control. Plus I didn't want to pretend that I had it all figured out anymore. I wanted to come clean. I never suspected that it would open up other people's floodgates. Suddenly people were seeking me out to talk about their own money issues, which made me feel much less alone and truly helped me reach my original goal.

It was all meant to be!

Okay, so I tried a little experiment to celebrate this anniversary and asked my loyal readers to send me an email with info on what their favourite blog posts of the past year.
(Insert sound of crickets...)
Um, the experiment sort of failed, which is fine! I know you're all busy and have lots going on in your own lives. So, I'm taking it upon myself to give you a little rundown of MY fave posts:

- I come clean
- I think a radio contest would solve all my problems
- I ruminate on chocolate and a potential life of crime
- I recap an awesome crappy move instead of blogging about my debt
- I make excuses so I can buy new clothes
- I make a fool out of myself in front of a studio audience
- I take a solo trip to Ikea
- I go to a very long opera
- I get where I wanted to go

And my favourite post:
- I have an eventful trip to Ikea with the DP

Enjoy reliving a few of our precious moments together. Here's to year two!

Tax goal: $2000
Current balance: $1045
Spent today: $5-ish
Weekly total: $112.59 (oops)


chantelguertin said...

Ahh! I'm sorry I didn't choose a favourite post -- I love your blog though and I love that you chose your favourites because I just read them all! So good. Love the Sound of Music taping episode! Congrats on being debt-free!!

Anonymous said...

I struggled to find a favorite but my most recent fave was that of the 'it's got no shake' video - priceless Tammy - priceless!!!!!

Unknown said...

I like the ones that feature this "DP" person. He seems wise, generous, and brave. (Almost fighting for an Ikea chair in the sketchy "as is" section - gutsy...)

Of course, such a noble character is also likely exceedingly handsome, because those types always are, right? King Arthur, Superman, Han Solo - all good lookin'.

Oh yeah, congrats on your out-of-debt thing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! You made it look so easy although I'm sure it was nothing of the sort! Here's to moving onward and upward. :)

p.s. My fave post was when you posted your big ZERO. I breathed a sigh of relief on your part. :)

Tammy said...

Thanks everyone!

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