Sunday, July 20, 2008

How do you solve a problem like Tammy?

After a very uneventful day, the DP and I went to see tonight's taping of How do you solve a problem like Maria? I worked with one of the girls in the final four, Marisa, almost 10 years ago, when she was a fresh-faced 14 year-old. I played her mom. Now she's a gorgeous 20-something who is winning the hearts of Canada through this show. I was so proud watching her onstage!

Anyway, it was a big night at HDYSAPLM (yeesh!), because Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber was there! Truthfully, I would have been more excited by almost any other music theatre icon, but whatever. He was there. It was kind of cool. Although, the more famous people you see in person - and I've seen my share - the less cool they are.

So the scene is this: hundreds of people in the room, television cameras on-hand, music theatre icon (and leading man John Barrowman) present. What did I do? If you guessed, "Embarrass youself?" you win the prize!

Prize being the operative word. For those of you who have never been to a live television taping, they always have someone to make a fool out of themselves, trying to warm up the audience before the show and keep them warm during the commercials, so that when the cameras are on the audience will look like the most rabid, excited audience in history. The only place they probably don't bother with this is at Oprah, where the fans are already foaming at the mouth for a glimpse of the big O. (I'm not being a hater. I would scream like a m*&therf#@%er too!)

So during one of the commercial breaks, our audience guy - who was dressed in leiderhosen - was asking trivia questions and giving away prizes. And I was DESPERATE to get one of those prizes! But after three people were already standing up, because they had answered correctly, he declared that he would ask a tiebreaker question to decide which of them would get the prize. Only I didn't hear the part about the tiebreaker. I only heard the part about him asking another question! So when he asked what lyric follows, "Cream coloured ponies and crisp apple strudel. Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles," I JUMPED out of my chair, WAVING my flag above my head and making a VERY LOUD buzzer sound (as instructed).


The DP is killing himself laughing beside me as I slide back into my seat. Oh yes. Tammy does it again. (To the Queen!!)

Sadly, during a later commercial break, the audience guy was looking for members of the audience to sing, but he didn't pick me. It was my one chance to sing in front of Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and he passed me up. I wonder why!?

Oh, and also, the DP seems intent to cause me bodily harm this weekend. During last night's subway ride he started to put his arm around me and instead elbowed me in the eye! Tonight he crossed his leg and kicked my shin. Seriously. What's up with that?

Total debt: $5564 and a bit
Spent today: $5 (Pizza on the way home. Who wants to make dinner at 9pm?)


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh Tammy...

Anonymous said...

aaaawww we love you anyways! next fall you must attend a Sound of Music Sing-a-Long - you would have had a blast!! And you can even borrow my costume idea!!

Andrea said...


Having a really good crack-up over here!

Oh, Tammy.

Ghostface Knittah said...

You're such a diva. Love it.

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