Monday, April 7, 2008

"Cooper, you're an amazing dancer, and you're a great choreographer, but as a boyfriend... you kinda suck."

I have no blog inspiration today, so instead I will tell you all that the best worst movie of 2000 is on TV at the moment. The dance flick Center Stage, which stars all sorts of crappy young actors who are incredible dancers and lots of amazing Broadway actors who are supposed to be accomplished dance teachers, although we never see them dance in the movie.

Oh, and a really hot guy whose name, according to IMDB is Eion Bailey, which is a really pretentious spelling, but look at this:

Very cute. Very much my type. Don't tell the boyfriend.

(Although, the boyfriend has dark hair and blue eyes. And is pretty handsome, if I do say so myself. Plus he loves me in all my frowziness. That's really a word. Look it up. I was procrastinating this evening by reading the dictionary when I was supposed to be cleaning the bathroom. I was looking up the bad words, just like a pre-teen. But then I learned a new word - frowzy - so something good came from it. Now I need to use it several times in the next couple of days, so I can successfully integrate it into my everyday speech. Oh, and I did clean the bathroom in the end. Don't worry.)

Okay, so back to the best worst movie made in 2000. My second favourite character plays Eion's bulimic girlfriend, who is one of the best dancers in the school, but who has no actual passion for ballet. She's just playing the puppet to her stage mother's unrealized dreams. She is played by a very skinny actress named Susan May Pratt. Her big acting move is to growl when she's angry. Seriously! There's a whole scene where Eion's character (who is pre-med, so he's smart about these things) confronts her about the bulimia and she growls, "Who are you? You're N(grrrr)othing! N(grrrrr)obody!" to him. It's awesome.

(I totally saw this movie in the theatre with a couple girlfriends, and after that scene I would growl ever time Susan May Pratt came onscreen. My girls laughed, but I may have offended the 7 other people at the matinee... If you were there, I'm sorry. Well, sort of sorry. But it was funny, no?)

Finally, the best scene in the movie is the extended dance montage at the end. (In case I haven't yet mentioned it on this blog, I am a sucker for a movie montage. My favourite, in order, are: makeover montages, falling in love montages, and sports/dance training montages. A good montage can save a bad movie in the world of me.) The lead character, who was a real ballet dancer and not an actor, which explains why her big acting move is biting her bottom lip, is doing this big, experimental dance number on stage in front of 3000 people, and suddenly she's wearing a completely different outfit! Okay, not so impossible. I've done quick changes, I know how they work. But her hair goes from being in a bun, to having red ribbons french-braided into it! (Did I mention that the big dance scene is to a Michael Jackson song!?!)

Oh, you guys are in for a treat, because I found a clip. It's long, but it's worth it. And the plot of this dance sequence sums up the plot of the whole movie - minus the barfing ballerina - so you don't have to rent it!

I hope you enjoyed this post, which had nothing to do with debt.

Total debt: $9315

Spent today: $3.69


Anonymous said...

Awww, that is SO funny. I happened to come across centre stage last night too. I only watched a few seconds but i hit it right at the moment where she growls and i thought of you and cheryl. I remember watching that movie up in the dressing room with you guys and all of us talking for days about her "growling" moment.

Tammy said...

Now, I don't remember watching it on the ship... How could I forget that!?

Anonymous said...

Yah, i think we had all already seen it but i think cheryl had a copy sent to her or something. We were SO desperate for something new to watch that we were beyond excited to set it all up on that crappy tv/vcr thing we had.

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