Friday, January 16, 2009

Just a little off the back

I learned something interesting when I went to get my hair cut this evening! I went to see someone new at my favourite salon - my beloved stylist is still only working part-time since suffering a back injury - and I explained that I'd like to grow my hair for a bit, so I just wanted the back cleaned up and I wanted proper bangs once again.

She said: Do you just want a maintenance cut?

Excuse me?

Apparently, a maintenance cut is done on dry hair, so you don't get a nice neck and shoulder massage, nor do you get a shampoo and a blowout. BUT it's $30 cheaper!

Did you guys know about this?

It was exactly what I wanted and what I needed. The only thing that gave me pause - I saw a senior stylist, so it still cost me $50 for about 20 minutes of snips. Seemed pretty steep.

Oh well.

Tax goal: $2000
Current balance: $1045
Spent today: $17-ish (Plus $52.50 for my hair, which I'm not counting. But good news - the credit card is once again empty. Wahoo!)


Anonymous said...

Neck and shoulder massage? From your hair stylist?? What am I doing wrong?

Tammy said...

That's the beauty of the salon I go to - Civello. It's an Aveda salon, so they let you pick from a couple different oil scents and then they give you a heavenly little scalp massage that migrates down to your neck and shoulders.
It's awesome.

Crissy Calhoun said...

I have never heard of a maintenance cut, but that is SMART.

the Aveda Institute on King does that massage oil thing too!! But of course you're having your hair cut/dyed by a student so sometimes they dye your neck brown on the day of the geminis, but whatever! it's cheap!

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