Friday, April 11, 2008

We're in the money...

Ah, payday. Hard to believe that there was a time in my life when that word was only the name of a board game.

Now it is one of my favourite days, along with Thursdays, holidays, my birthday and any day that involves cake.

Today was a good payday, because not only did I get to make a nice big loan payment (all will be revealed at the bottom of this post), but I also got enough freelance money to pay off the bit of money I was carrying on my credit card.

(Truth be told, there's still a little bit on my card, but that's just because I'm returning the dress I bought last weekend. I've decided it's too similar to something I already own and that I can do better, if I'm going to spend the money. So once that goes back, THEN it will be totally empty again.)

As for my loan, I'm very glad to be out of the $9000s. It felt like a long time that I lingered there, but if all goes according to plan, I won't be lingering in the $8000s too long...

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to don some gold lame tap shoes and dance on top of over-sized coins, a la "42nd Street."

Total debt: $8715 and a bit (Yeeha!)

Spent today: $7.84

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good on ya Kid, keep up the good work.

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