Tuesday, April 29, 2008

No soup Nazi here

Despite having to be taught how to make spaghetti in college (I didn't even know how to boil the pasta and pour the jar of sauce in. Seriously.), I have embraced cooking in the last five years or so. I believe the turning point came after my 7 months of working on a cruise ship, when I couldn't have set foot in a kitchen even if I wanted to.

I do, however, require a recipe. I don't have the skills to "wing it" when it come to culinary confections. But sadly, my strict food budget generally isn't enough to foster my blossoming gourmet talents. Which is why I get so excited when I find something new to make that doesn't cost a lot of money.

Enter: The Soup.

Many of you have heard me sing the praises of The Soup in the past few days. I've become a little addicted. If you've already experienced my sermon, feel free to skip to the bottom of this post. If not, read on.

*Side note: The Soup, while delicious and budget-friendly, is in no way gourmet. In fact, it's pretty much the opposite of fancy food. But it's YUMMY, so I'm adding it to my regular recipe rotation.

A couple of weeks ago, while grocery shopping, I was lingering in the legumes section, wondering how I could incorporate more of them into my diet. They're just so good for you - full of fibre and protein. I was running my hands along the dried beans and lentils, when I suddenly saw a bag simply labelled Soup Mix. Intrigued, I turned it over to have a look at the instructions. Dead easy! Basically boil the contents in some stock, add some seasoning and then fry up an onion and add that. Done. Then I read the label. All good! Just a dry mix of lentils, peas, beans and such, low in calories, low in fat, high in protein and fibre. Then I looked at the price.


The bag, which in total makes about 8 cups of soup (it's so hearty, a cup is all you need), was on $1.19. ONE DOLLAR AND NINETEEN CENTS! Very much in my budget.

Needless to say, I not only bought the Soup Mix, but have used the whole bag already. It's a very good lunch to bring to work, because the protein wakes me up and allows me to concentrate in the afternoon. (I am not an afternoon person.)

In case my message wasn't clear enough - buy the soup!**

**I am not getting any money from endorsing the Soup Mix.

I'm having sleeping issues again, so it was a draggy sort of day. My Starbucks card helped see me through. (Thank you!) Oh, I also got some more freelance work, so a little more money will be coming in. (I just need to write it...)

Total debt: $7515 and a bit
Spent today: $0 (And a thank you to The Boyfriend for bringing home some wine. Big kiss!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will get J to give you other recipes - she has lots of easy variations for soup. My favourite is barley and mushroom - very hearty and yummy!

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