Monday, April 14, 2008


Exciting news everyone - The boyfriend and I are finally planning a wee vacation!

Oh, I can't tell you how happy I am to report that. Yes, I know it's going to cost a small chunk of money, but I've decided it's worth it. I need to put life into perspective a little. I'm making great progress on my debt, so taking a little detour isn't going to kill me.

We're headed to Montreal. In 24 days! (If everything goes as planned.) I'm officially counting down.


Oh, I overheard a fashionable young woman say this in the subway today: "For someone who has no money, I spent too much money this weekend." Girlfriend, tell me about it!

Total debt: $8715 and a bit
Spent today: $7.69 (I rescued pants from the dry cleaners.)

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