Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Less fat, more fashion!

I've made an unfortunate discovery about my spending recently. It seems that I always believe food expenditures are okay. And since I've been depriving myself of buying any clothing - something that brings me serious joy - I've been compensating by buying treats.

And eating them.

Can you see where this is going? If I don't get control of this, I'm going to be forced to spend money on clothes soon, because the clothes I have aren't going to fit!

But what's the answer?

Well, my intention has always been to put any leftover money at the end of the week on my debt. But, as you've probably noticed, I rarely have any leftover. And a big part of that is because of Thursday afternoon jaunts to Starbucks as a "reward."

So, I'm going to try to curb my treat purchases (including excessive treat buying at the grocery store) and then put any leftover money at the end of the week aside. I can save it up for a new piece of clothing!

Total debt: $9315 and a bit
Spend today: $8.93 (A little something for the new "man" in my life.)

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