Friday, April 18, 2008

Baby needs a new pair of shoes

I have a confession that may surprise some of you.

I, Tammy, am not a shoeaholic. I don't have any sort of obsession with shoes. I would never in a million years spend my rent on shoes. 

Now, don't get me wrong! I can go to the shoe store and appreciate the pretty shoes. I may even coo over them a little. (Although not this spring - are we all supposed to wear shiny hooker shoes this year?) But I won't buy them.

The problem is money. If I had a lot of money (and I mean A LOT), I would buy lots of shoes. I would have shoes that go with every outfit. (And a driver. Not many shoes are commuter-friendly.)

I buy shoes that go with everything. Translation: boring shoes. I do have several pair of cute, summer shoes in the closet, all bought on the cheap. And cheap equals uncomfortable.

Yesterday I wore a pair of gold flats that I bought for $16 in the summer of 2006. Not only does it feel like I'm walking on the concrete, but they also cause welts on the edges of my feet. 

This is not a very cohesive posting - it's Friday night and I'm tired - but I want some new shoes. 
I need some new shoes.

Total debt: $8715
Spent today: $0 

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