Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's for my health!

It's been about six months since I got rid of my Nalgene bottle out of concern for potential cancer causing chemicals. Especially since I was fond of running mine through the dishwasher or dowsing it in boiling water. Both major no-nos. I've still been using a hard plastic bottle at my desk and sort of pretending that it's not causing me any harm. But I never removed it from my desk, so I've been commuting and going to the gym all without readily available hydration. A strange thing for a girl who has been carrying water with her 24/7 since probably 9th grade. (1989, if you want to be nosy about it.)

Anyway, I've known that my new water bottle would be a Sigg for quite a long while. They are just ridiculously stylish as well as safe. I put it off originally, because I didn't know where I could get one. Then I discovered that I could cross town and get one easily, but I couldn't find time for the subway ride. Then, a few months ago, I discovered a pharmacy that I pass almost every day has a huge stock in various adorable designs. (I know, I know - but I like having cute things!)

I've passed the pharmacy probably 100 times since then, every time thinking, "I should get a new water bottle," quickly followed by, "Don't spend the money!" Whenever I am not near the pharmacy I find myself thinking, "I'm kind of dehydrated. I really wish I had a new water bottle. I should totally just suck it up and buy one."

Today, something cracked.

I am the proud owner of a super-cute new Sigg water bottle. I thought I would choose something really colourful, given the option, but it's actually black and white, yet lovely and whimsical at the same time. I've already recycled my old desk bottle, determined that the new Sigg should travel with me at all times, eliminating the need for a desk bottle.

I'm in love. And love is costly.

I still had about $14 in my bank account, so I used that and then charged the rest.

Total debt: $8715 and a bit
Spent today: $14 cash (and about $15 credit)
Weekly total: $115-ish (Oh well...)

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