Sunday, April 27, 2008

Walking in a summer wonderland

I seem to have forgotten to blog yesterday. Or, rather, I remembered that I needed to blog, but not until quite late at night. And then I proceeded to choose sleep over blogging. My apologies.

It has been a weird weekend here in Toronto, what with our entire transit system on strike. I must say, the whole mess threw quite the kink in all of my weekend plans! This morning I was supposed to have brunch with two wonderful women - one visiting from out of town - but I was forced to cancel, because both taxis and extra money in the budget to take them are hard to come by this week. I was also supposed to attend the second installment of Dance Dance Party Party Toronto, but it was just far enough away that I couldn't conceive of making the trek sans transportation.

And then my day unfolded in such a manner that the boyfriend and I did this huge walk - nearly 4 miles. So, I really could have walked to and from brunch and DDPP. Alas.

Lots of money spent on food. And a little on wine. And some more on a dvd. We watched this:

It was one of those small, charming Hollywood movies that was filmed here in Toronto and surrounding areas masquerading as Nowhere, America, full of Canadian actors in supporting roles (plus, obviously, the Canadian in the lead role) that make you ask yourself, "Why can't we make these kind of movies here in Canada?" It's a frustrating conundrum.
Anyway, that's all I really have to report. I have the Sunday evening blues. A common occurrence since my childhood days. But here's a happy thought: 11 days until we go to Montreal! Can't wait. I need a little change of scenery.
Total debt: $7515 (and a bit)
Spent yesterday and today: $57-ish

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thanks for the link to the DDPP, Sissy! I've found info for it in Vancouver, and want to start going!

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