Sunday, April 13, 2008

Skirting the issue

So, I returned that dress today and got 55 cents back... And a skirt.

That's right! I went to return the dress and came home without the dress, but with a new skirt. It's totally cute and I already tried it on with a few things in my closet. It's a keeper! I believe it might become my go-to summer skirt. Now if only it were summer and I could wear it tomorrow...

Why must the stores put everything out so early!? I'm always broiling in new sweaters in September and freezing in summer frocks when the leaves aren't even out yet. You know you're the same! I saw so many women in bare legs on the subway last week. And a few weeks before that, when it was still below zero, but the sun kind of made it look like spring, I saw a teenager at the mall in a denim mini, a tank top and flip flops. I felt like such an old lady, because I wanted to go up to her and give her a talking to. I was still wearing my down coat, for crying out loud!

Anyway, my point is that my credit card isn't quite empty yet. There's still roughly $50 lingering on there... but I promise to take care of that before any sort of interest is applied.

I also wanted to tell you about the crazy moment I had in one store today. (I spent a lot of time perusing racks and trying stuff on, but I didn't buy anything! Except the skirt...but technically that money was already spent.) I was in a European chain that caters more to women than to young girls, and they were playing Miley Cyrus. At least, I think it was her. Being over the age of 20, I'm a little behind on the whole Miley thing. In fact, I think she may have taken over the world while I was downloading "Guitarzan" by Ray Stevens on iTunes in a fit of nostalgia.

Are adults listening to Miley now? Have I become one of those people who are no longer in touch with what the "cool" radio stations are playing? (Although, in high school I was more likely to be listening to Andrew Lloyed Webber's canon with a side order of The Andrews Sisters, so maybe I was never one of the cool ones anyway...)

Total debt: $8715 and a bit (Still makes me smile!)
Spent today: $0 (In fact, technically I'm up 55 cents! Although that is on credit...)

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