Saturday, April 12, 2008

Errand day = spending money

We did a very big grocery shop today. You know those days? The ones where you need to buy all the food PLUS laundry detergent PLUS kitty litter PLUS... It was one of those. Luckily the boyfriend brought in a yogurt tub full of change, which came out to more than $30, and we put that towards the groceries. Very generous of him!

On top of groceries, we needed several drugstore things. I'm happy to report that everything I bought was on sale! Plus I got two coupons on the street last week for a FREE pack of these new disposable razors. Now, in theory I'm against making more disposable things in this world. Aren't we supposed to be embracing the reduce, reuse, recycle mantra? However, I'm hardly in a position to turn down $10.49 in free razors. (Well, when I cash in the other coupon it will be more like $21 in free razors. And razors aren't cheap, yo! Plus, I am a very hirsute woman and I need all the help I can get in the hair removal department.)

So, it was a spendy day, but all on non-frivolous items. Except the few treat-like things that found their way into our grocery cart, completely unbidden. Well, mostly unbidden.

Total debt: $8715 plus a bit
Spent today: $62-ish

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