Monday, March 17, 2008

The winner of this challenge gets... well, a few extra dollars

Recently I have been looking around online, checking out other people's financial blogs. I can't bring myself to read very many posts on the ones that are strictly about the best way to invest or the ins and outs of retirement funds, simply because it's all pretty foreign to me. Plus it makes me feel bad that I don't have any money to invest or savings for retirement.

I do, however, love other people's musings on climbing out of their own pits of debt. Those ones make me feel like I am not alone on the WWW, but just one of many trying to figure things out as we go along. I will try to take some time to add a list of blogs that I've found, so you too can enjoy them.

A couple of the blogs that I happened upon actually offered a little inspiration. These people set challenges for themselves, such as a certain number of Spend Nothing days or Car Free days or Bring Your Lunch days.

Who doesn't love a challenge!?

Since I already pack my lunch 97% of the time and don't own a car, I'm going to try something else. This week I'm going to go the entire week without buying any "treats," which translates into tea (I don't do coffee) and sweets. I'll post my results at the bottom with my spending and the challenge will reset on Fridays, as per normal. (Hopefully this benefits my wallet and my waistline. Bonus points!)

Saw another impeccably dressed woman on the subway tonight. Let me explain: Tan, double-breasted trench-style jacket belted at the waist, matching tan scarf, perfect dark jeans and brown knee-high riding boots with a flat sole. The kind that make a woman look sporty and chic at the same time. Now, truth be told, even if I had all the money in the world, I couldn't have bought myself the extra 3 inches this woman had on me, or her bikini-model long, lean legs. But still, I tried not to openly stare in fashion lust. Oh, to go shopping!

Okay, must sign off. Remember how I mentioned that I wasn't actively looking for anymore freelance work until I finish the big piece I currently have on the go? Well, when it rains, it pours. And I just can't bring myself to say no!

Total debt: $9520 and a bit
Spent today: $0
Tea and Sweets Challenge: 1/4

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