Saturday, March 8, 2008

365 countdown

Today is my half birthday. I am 32.5 years old. And, as you can tell from my blog title, I am hoping that all of this debt drama will be over by this exact day next year. That shouldn't be a problem for the leftover student loan, which is what I tell you about under Total Debt every day. However, there is the interest-free loan from the boyfriend as well. It would be amazing if that could also be eradicated in the next 365 days, but perhaps it's too lofty of a goal.

But why are we on the earth other than to set lofty goals for ourselves!?

I'll do my best. That's all I can do.

We watched this last night:

I got it free from the library. (I love the library!) It's a little Irish film that is full of charm and very stylishly shot. Plus the main kid is ridiculously cute. Anyway, it was a good reminder about the way that money can really screw everything up.

Now, I truly believe that some money would make things a fair bit better for me right about now, but I have very mixed feelings about a huge windfall. Not that I don't dream about hitting the jackpot, but I seem to spend just as much time worrying about how I would deal with it. Who would I give money to and who would hate me for not giving them enough. So maybe I'm just meant to struggle along for now. It's supposed to be sweeter if you really have to work for it, right?

Total debt: $9920 and a bit

Spent today: $0

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