Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dentist be damned

Today was not a happy trip to the dentist.

First of all, let me tell about my old dentist. We'll call him Dr. Wealthy Asshole, or Dr. WA for short.

This guy used to talk constantly about how much money he had. Seriously! He did my root canal back in 2002, when I was a poor actor who had no insurance. While I was practically in tears and totally freaking out over how I was going to pay for the work he was doing, he told me how his country club fees cost him $30,000 a year. He also told me that he was so determined to spot a celebrity during the film festival one year that he spent $20,000 on meals in Yorkville in two weeks. (Yorkville, for non-Toronto people, is where the Richie Richersons hang out along with the celebs.)

I'm not quite sure why I kept going to see him, other than the fact that he was only five minutes from home and I never felt any pain. (Other than severe emotional distress, that is.)

He is no longer with the practice, but today I met his colleague. Let's call him Dr. Inappropriate Man Humour, or Dr. IMH.

This afternoon I was chatting with the hygienist, waiting for the dentist, and she was asking all about my performing career. I was trying to explain that I haven't been on stage in about five years, but people get so caught up in the imaginary glamour of show biz that they can't fathom how you would ever leave it behind. Anyway, Dr. IMH catches a few phrases on his way into the room and - before he even introduces himself to me - he says, "What? Are you a pole dancer?"


He lost me right there. I immediately made a mental note: Find a new dentist.

A little while later, Dr. IMH had a sneezing fit. I guess he's allergic to everything except sophomoric humour. He asked me if I have cats and when I said yes, he exclaimed that we could never date. THEN he clarified it and explained that we could date at his house, but not at mine.

I threw up in my mouth a little.

As soon as I get my permanent crown next week, I'm cancelling my cleaning in April and finding a new office.

It was an all around mentally exhausting afternoon. Almost two hours in the chair, which was pretty awful. Plus another $1100 on my credit card. (Just for the root canal! I haven't been charged for the crown yet!) Although I will get about $800-ish of that back. Plus just having to listen to Dr. IMH. I'm beat and my mouth is sore.

The boyfriend brought home some beautiful white daisies for me, to make me feel better. He is a good guy. Wait! A great guy. I am a lucky girl.

Oh, and I finally got all the stuff I needed to finish my taxes. I owe just over $400, leaving me about $400 for debt! Sadly I can't just put it on my student loan, but it will go on my recently active credit card.

One good thing about all these credit card charges is that I will definitely be earning some free groceries at the end of this month. And my history as a starving artist means I am a sucker for free food!

Total debt: $9900 and a bit
Spent today: $2.72 (Plus all those credit card charges!)

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