Monday, March 24, 2008

If only it was an eye sore!

Did you miss me? Well, I can't say that I missed sitting in front of a computer! I did spend a couple of hours using the boyfriend's laptop to work on some freelance stuff, but there was nary an Internet connection in sight and outside the window I saw wildlife and wilderness rather than condos and smog. A bit of heaven!

And I'm happy to report that very little money was spent during my long weekend.

I must confess that I purchased one new glossy mag to entertain me during this early (and therefore seriously chilly) Easter. And there was some consumption of Tim Horton's sustenance, although that is an expected event during a Canadian road trip.

Today I came home to find they have once again changed the billboard visible from every window in our apartment. This is probably the third time they've changed it since Christmas, which is strange because we looked at Penelope Cruz hawking mascara for the entire first six months we lived here.

The new image is taunting me. Daring me. Laughing at me.

It's an H&M ad with a girl in a kicky summer dress. And, according to the billboard, said dress costs only $29.90.

Why does the universe hate me and my attempts to be frugal!?

Total debt: $9420 and a bit
Spent today: $35-ish (groceries)
Spent Sunday: $0 (A thanks to the boyfriend for my return road trip treat!)
Spent Saturday: $0 (Although I was very tempted to buy this off of the television...)
Spent Friday: $16.28


Sarah said...

seriously, after watching that ad, I want a Shamwow. Good for you for not buying it.

Tammy said...

Isn't it incredible!? What really got me was when they rolled up the handwashed sweater. That was awesome.

Ginger said...

Billboards are usually bought monthly, or based on the number of eyeballs it reaches.

So I'm guessing L'Oreal or whoever it was wanted the 6 months, then their contract was up.

FYI ;)

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