Monday, March 10, 2008

It's time for the bake off!

One of the luxuries we have here at our apartment is the very enjoyable cable television. It costs a small fortune in the world of me, but since I go halfsies with the boyfriend, it's not so bad. I could easily live without it - I did last year, which is when I watched Buffy in its entirety since I had never seen any before - but there's something so nice about having it.

Lately I'm addicted to "'Til Debt Do us Part" on Slice. The boyfriend and I have considered applying to be on the show, because you can earn up to $5000 just for learning how to reduce your debt and taking the right steps in that direction. (Although you also have to look like idiots on syndicated national television.) Now that we've started watching the show regularly, it's clear that we are far too intelligent to be on it. The people they feature generally have no idea that they're spending 180% of their incomes and are massively in debt. One couple was headed to bankruptcy for the THIRD time! Another couple had a combined income of more than $100,000 and were drowning in debt far worse than me.

So I use my cable television to feel better about my own situation. Tonight I also used it to watch a little bit of Just Like Mom. Remember that classic Canadian game show? I would post a photo, but I'm coming up short on YouTube, Imdb and Google. Crazy!

Moral of this story - cable television makes you feel better about yourself and allows you to waste precious time watching something that the world wide web doesn't even deem worthy.

Total debt: $9920 and a bit
Spent today: $2-ish (I had to supplement my free tea at Horny Tims with a treat...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another one I like is the Maxed Out show on W Network... but some people never learn, like the couple that got a credit card while they were on the show Til' Debt... and racked up a couple of thousand within 2 weeks!!

Yeah I do think that you a much smarter then a lot of them... ;-)

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