Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Busy 'R' Us

So, I'm really busy this week, as I've mentioned. My stress level is quite elevated and when I get home I have to just keep working. Now, I'm SO not complaining about having a lot to do! I'm just trying to explain why I feel like I'm on fast forward.

Since I've been so busy, understandably things around the house have started to fall a little behind. I got home and the dishwasher needed to be unloaded, the kitchen was a mess, the rest of the apartment was crazy and the laundry needed to be done.

In a normal week, these things would be no problem. But between the freelance stuff I'm working on, and the fact that we're out tomorrow night for a birthday event and then heading out of town for three days, I didn't feel I could let any of those things go. (By the way, the boyfriend would normally pitch in and pick up my slack, but he's out tonight supporting a friend whose mother has just passed away.)

I've managed to get most of it under control and do some work on the side, but do you think I can get anywhere near the laundry room!?! It's so busy down there. And they lock the door at 10pm. What am I going to do!?

Adult problems suck. I wish I only had to worry about what the Easter Bunny was going to bring me this weekend!

Total debt: $9520 plus a bit more
Spent today: $31.34 (Some Easter bunny shopping, more drugstore stuff, etc.)
Tea and sweets challenge: 2/4

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