Friday, March 7, 2008

The joy of rereading...?

So, I'm reading this right now:

It's about a couple who try to go an entire year only buying the necessities. Of course, they have a bit of trouble deciding what constitutes a necessity, but don't we all. (Although I'm crossing eye cream off my list thanks to a certain friend with some inside info!)

I'm only a couple of chapters in, but I'm enjoying it. It seems like the perfect choice given my current financial situation. The funny thing is, I took it out of the library because it was mentioned in an article about consumerism that I read last week, but I think I've taken it out before. I'm having major deja vu thus far in my reading.

Is it a bad sign when you can't remember if you've read something before? Should some sort of memory boosting herb become one of my necessities?

At least I feel quite confident that I didn't finish it before, so it won't be a total do-over.

Before I met the boyfriend to do some grocery shopping this evening, I took a stroll through Joe Fresh. It caused a bit of the "want," but I also realized how many things I would have bought simply because they only cost $8 or $12, not because I actually needed them. It was an empowering thing to know.

If only I could learn that with food... Grocery shopping post-yoga class and post-workday leads to treat buying. I was just so hungry!

Total debt: $9990 plus a bit more
Spent today: $50-ish ($45 on groceries plus I used those leftover toonies in my wallet on random foodstuffs. It's been a full day of eating!)

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