Sunday, March 30, 2008

Politicians in the park

I managed to clear a cost-cutting hurdle that I didn't think was possible! I actually found a couple of cute greeting cards at our local "dollar" store.

(It's not really a dollar store, but rather an "everything here is cheap" store. It's very handy!)

I was out buying several cards for all the faraway family birthdays that are imminent, and I wasn't sure how I was going to fit them all, plus a gift for my littlest nephew, into the budget, but I did. A small victory, but a victory nevertheless.

(And I bought the gift at a small, neighbourhood store rather than a big box chain. Let's hear it for the independents!)

The boyfriend and I also explored a park that is around the corner from us that we didn't realize existed! Someone I work with mentioned it recently and I was all "Nope, no park there!" in my know-it-all way that inspired the nickname Lordy Lorderson (because I "lord" my knowledge over people). Anyway, the guy at work sent me a map and - what do you know! - there is a park there. A very nice one, along a ravine. It will be even nicer when it's no longer covered in snow and there are leaves on the trees.

Oh, and we ran into Dalton McGuinty and his son walking their dog. He said hello.

All in all, a pretty good weekend. If only there was more of it...

Total debt: $9260 and a bit
Spent today: $23.92

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