Tuesday, March 18, 2008

If at first you don't succeed

You are so not going to believe this. I couldn't last more than ONE DAY on the challenge! Sort of pathetic, eh?

The "want" started first thing in the morning, because I knew I was headed to work with only natural sugar in the form of fruit. But, I said to the boyfriend on the subway, I can't get anything, because what will my blog readers say!? How will they have faith in my ability to slay the debt dragon if I can't even go two days without buying a treat?

And then I was very busy at work today. Nose to the grindstone busy, so I didn't take a lunch hour. But shortly after consuming my healthy (and super yummy) lunch, my sweet tooth stood up and demanded to be noticed. In fact, it joined forces with the part of my brain that requires actual fresh air every couple of hours and they took down my willpower in one fell swoop. Next thing I knew, I was on my way to the evil empire (Starbucks).

But tomorrow is a new day. We're all destined to fail sometimes, right?

I also had to stop at the drugstore on the way home for some supplies. Namely shave gel (I am hirsute, I cannot tell a lie.) and some Epsom salts. I overdid it on the lunges at the gym yesterday and am now hobbling around. Hopefully a hot bath a little later (and a glass of wine) will help ease my pain.

Total debt: $9520 and a bit
Spent today: $14.79
Tea and sweets challenge: 1/4 (still)

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