Yep. Cramps.
There was no way I was going to wimp out now, but the though of going to lift some weights was so not appealing. (I'm a little behind on my strength training this week.) However, while I tried to determine how I was going to get these 30 minutes in, the sun decided to come out. And I, in turn, decided that 30 minutes of walking outside would be just the thing.
The idea got even better when the Husband decided to accompany me. It became awesome when I realized that it would take a half an hour to walk to Lululemon!! How perfect is that!? I finished the challenge AND got my prize. Here's a pictorial of our afternoon. (Pardon my non-cute eyewear. I have to wear my old glasses from now until my surgery on Friday. We also didn't really do our hair or make ourselves very presentable for the world. Lazy Sunday.)
I did it! It did, indeed, take exactly 30 minutes to walk up to the midtown Lulu. I was very excited and happy. (I was also quite sweaty while I was trying things on. Shhhhhhh.)
My final selections! Some new Groove crops and a Swift tank. I'm happy to hear that they're making more items with anti-stink stuff, because some of my old Lulu has the old stink baked in now.
Since we were in the neighbourhood, the Husband suggested a stop at the awesome Cupcake Shoppe.
It was his treat, so I chose a chocolate on chocolate one and a chocolate chip cookie dough one. We split them at home with a cup of tea this afternoon. Soooo fantastic.
Since it was long past lunchtime, we stopped at a neighbourhood Italian place where we split a baked goat cheese salad and some yummy pizza. Check out my cute lunch date:
February Fitness Challenge Wrap-up:
Cardio: 12 hours
Strength training: 4.5 hours
Yoga: 3.5 hours
Stretching/Abs: 40 minutes
TOTAL: 20 hours and 40 minutes
Average per day: 44 minutes
Not too shabby!! Clearly I need to up my strength training and stop ignoring my abs, but I am very happy overall.
Two new challenges start tomorrow. Tune in to find out what they are!
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