Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 22 - So close...

Today I seriously contemplated not getting my 30 minutes. I didn't get up early and go this morning. Then I couldn't go at lunch, because I'd arrived at work late after an appointment, so I didn't take a break. And after work my tummy felt all twisty and there was actually a bit of a snowstorm happening, so I took myself right home.

Made dinner.
Ate dinner.
Ate frozen yogurt.
Watched some Olympics (curling is strange).
Ate the last of the tortilla chips.
Surfed the Internet.
Reread all my blog posts from this month.
Contemplated how I could atone for not exercising today.
Briefly imagined having to start whole challenge over again another month.
Laced up my running shoes.

There was no way I was going out into the winteriness (one of the good things about winter is NOT leaving your house unless you really need to) and the idea of some yoga wasn't really inspiring me. And then I figured it out! Here's how I filled 30 minutes tonight, from 8:33 p.m. to 9:03 p.m. (And not a minute more!)

Two laps up and down all 11 flights (actually, it's more like 22 flights, since they're broken in half) of stairs in my apartment building. Just like the stair climber, I kept things interesting by varying the pace (run one, walk one) and the approach, sometimes sidestepping and sometimes taking two stairs at a time.
Three circuits of the following without stopping: 20 crunches on the stability ball, 20 butt lifts, 10 push-ups, 40 leg lifts on each leg, 20 squats, 10 lunges with a knee up on each leg, 10 tricep dips off a chair.
And to finish it all off, a few minutes of stretching.


Also, who is the cutest?

1 comment:

Acadian Librarian said...

Good on you!!!

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