Monday, March 1, 2010

New challenge and new rule (because I can)

This morning, as soon as I left our apartment building, I slipped on the ice and fell smack dab on my butt. (Luckily I fell on the left butt cheek, rather than my tailbone, so no major damage.) That spill set the tone for the day and things progressed thusly.

Translation: I had a crappy day.

Obviously, as I try to constantly remind myself, not as crappy as billions of other people in this cruel, cruel world. But, in the tiny world of little old me, crappy enough to warrant a trip to the liquor store at lunch to buy a bottle of wine to drink with dinner. (Bright side: I do get to drink this wine with my amazing Husband who I adore and who is appropriately sympathetic about my crappy day.)

Crappy enough that I decide to delay the start of my March challenge until tomorrow.

New rule: I get to have a day off between challenges!

However, I think I should announce the challenge. First, background: I have a writing project that I've been working on for a bit. I have times of great productivity on this project and other times where I just think about working on it. But recently I've decided to take a bit of a break from all my freelancing, so I can concentrate some creative energy on this project. Hence:

Every day in March (starting on the 2nd) I will write 500 words of my project.

(ummmm... but I'm going to use my computer...)

Also, as a small side challenge, I will endeavour to eat at least 8 servings of fruits and vegetables every day in March. (This one I actually managed to accomplish today!)

I haven't figured out what my reward will be at the end of it, but I'll let you know!

What about you? Any challenges you'd like to set for yourself in March?

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