Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 23 and 24 - Follow the leader

Lacking my own motivation the last two days, I relied on others to tell me what to do. Which means that I took classes. An hour of yoga yesterday, which gave me a nice sense of calm in the middle of the day, and then an hour long Body Jam class tonight, which is a crazy fun dance class.

I headed to the gym tonight feeling kind of cranky and with a bit of a stress tummy from one of those days. (In the grand scheme of the world, it was actually a walk in the park day, but all the little things sort of added up and made me feel very off.) But then the class started. And, you know, it's hard to hold on to any sort of stress when you're making a fool of yourself, swinging your hips, attempting barrel jumps and waving your hands in the air like you just don't care.

(Um... I did NOT look this good.)

The finish line is now in sight! Four more days... In a mad surge of adrenaline and endorphins during tonight's class, I actually thought, "Maybe I should make this a year long challenge!" But I've come back down to earth now. Four more days. And then on to something new, with regular exercise a frequent, but less official, activity.

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