Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 8 - Scheduling issues

I'm not sue if I've mentioned this before, but I am a Planner. (Notice the capital "p." That's there for a reason.) I thrive on knowing what's coming up and how it's all going to play out. Not that I'm totally inflexible! Although, when my plan goes awry, it does sometimes send me into a tailspin.

(All the mothers reading this are now thinking I should never, ever have children!)

Anyway, today I knew that my workout was going to have to wait until after work, because I had a work event lunch-thing to attend. (A big lobster and seafood feast thrown by the New Brunswick tourism board. Totally a waste for a veggie like me!) I put on my extra fancy professional outfit and went in to work. It wasn't until after 11am that I noticed my Entourage calendar said I was free all day. Free until noon tomorrow.

Sigh. The event is tomorrow. So I suddenly had to revise my game plan and head to the gym at lunch. On one hand - a good thing, because there's a greater likelihood of me not wanting to go after work. On the other hand - a sudden change of scheduling, which required me to quickly get my head in a different game.

But I did it! I got there and I exercised:

5 minute jogging warm-up
25 minutes of weights
5 minutes of abs and stretching

Now I have to figure out how I want tomorrow to go... I'm considering a pre-work workout. It's been a long while since I've dragged myself out of bed before the sunrise to get my sweat on. And I'm even thinking it might be a spinning class, which I know will be ridiculously hard. But one of the side effects of all this exercising - besides feeling strong again - is that I'm inspired to push myself outside of my wimpy workout comfort zone. And that's a good thing!

Meanwhile, I just made my first almost vegan bit of baking. These Carrot Spice Muffins. I say "almost vegan" because we used real yogurt rather than soy yogurt. And guys - they're tasty!!

Oh, also, this is an awesome commercial:

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