Wednesday, July 9, 2008

(I have no clever title for this post...)

While we're still very much at peace with our decision not to install the brand new air conditioner in our closet, we've found it impossible to cook anything so far this week. Why add to the humidity and crazy heat by turning on the stove? So, on Monday the DP picked up a pre-made roast chicken from the grocery store. We had it on salad that night and then with some veggies last night. (I steamed some broccoli and sweet potato, so I did cook a bit.) Tonight we opted for pizza - also paid for by the DP.

The upside of all these purchases is that next week's grocery bill shouldn't be too crazy, since we have plenty of stuff in the freezer waiting to be cooked. But I should really be contributing... (I have but $12 left to my name and it's in the bank. It's hard to take $12 out!) I'll have to pay a little extra next week.

Stay cool everyone!

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