Friday, October 10, 2008

Unstuck! or Welcome to the 2s!

Today is a very happy day for many reasons.

1. I made a nice big loan payment this morning, so there will be a new number at the bottom of this post. It's getting lower all the time! I'm waiting on some money in the mail, so hopefully it will get even lower before long. I'm seriously starting to think of life post-debt, which is new, weird and wonderful.

2. I have secured 1.5 new freelancing gigs with a new client! It's 1.5 because one of them has been assigned and I've been told that the other will be assigned next week. I love making new connections and having them translate into more work. I've never thought of myself as a workaholic, but maybe I am. Or maybe I'm just narcissistic and like seeing my name in print ;-)

3. IT'S A LONG WEEKEND!!! A long weekend that involves turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce, which are totally my favourite savoury foods. The DP and I are heading north tomorrow, so there will be no blogging, but there will be pretty fall colours, family time, and probably too much to eat. Let's be honest.

And without further ado...

Total debt: $2731 and a bit (!!!!!)
Spent today: $14.72 (Some celebratory beverages, meaning a bottle of wine and a chai latte.)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I'm thankful for all of you.


Cat London said...

Congrats on the big debt drop! That's a huge deal -- I hope you did a 2s Dance.

Tammy said...

Cat, I do dances for most everything, including a new episode of The Office and when the DP comes home from work, so I definitely did a big 'ol 2s dance!

Cat London said...

But of course. I hope it involved jazz hands or spirit fingers.

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