Thursday, October 2, 2008

Oh money, wherefore art thou?

Good news! I was just going through my wallet, looking for my receipts from today, and I was about to toss my bill for the expensive water I ingested yesterday when the light bulb came on over my head:

I can claim the fancy water! I was at a networking event to further my freelancing career, so I can claim it!

Thank goodness.

Anyway, back to my muddled money day.

I forgot to mention one of my purchases yesterday, which was some pre-choir rehearsal food that came to a total of $7.78. I didn't have enough actual cash on me (or left in the weekly cash allowance) to pay for the food, so I paid by interac, because I knew I had a tiny cushion in my account. However, when I got home and checked my account online, I realized that I had put myself in danger of being overdrawn by 60 cents or something if my TTC pass money came out. I have overdraft protection, but I really didn't want to pay for the charge.

Keep up. This is confusing.

SO, I transferred my money for this coming week a day early, meaning it would land in my account today. (I keep my budget for the non-payday week in my high-interest savings account, which requires a day to process any transactions.)

This morning I purchased some bad-habit treats from the change I still had in my wallet. No problem! But on my way home I stopped to get a couple of things from the grocery store that I convinced myself I needed for dinner. And then I stopped to pick up a dvd for girl's night tomorrow, but I reasoned that that could come out of next week's budget.

All this to tell you that I've already managed to spend $15 from next week's allotment. It's particularly disturbing, because I have several social events to attend next week... I'm just going to have to be very frugal at the grocery store this weekend, which will only make sense, because the DP has been working late constantly and I will be out on the town, buying meals.

And I'm determined to stick to this damn budget thing! The number seems to be stuck. But part of that is because I've been waiting on a big freelance check for a while now. Maybe it will come tomorrow. That would be helpful.

Total debt: $3564 and a bit
Spent today: $3.73
Weekly total: $93.68 (Mmmmmm? I must have missed something somewhere.)
Already spent from next week: $13.47

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