Saturday, October 18, 2008

I should cut down on my partying

It's just after 10pm on a Saturday night and I'm about to go to bed! Seriously. I got to work last night and did a bit of writing, plus laundry and other required household chores.

This morning I was up bright and early at 7:30am with thoughts of all I needed to accomplish running through my head. And it's been a productive day! I got groceries, took the cat to the vet, ran some errands and wrote the first draft of the article that's due this week. Then I finished another article, folded the laundry from last night and did a whole bunch of other stuff. (And when I needed some down time, to recharge, I watched two episodes of Project Runway on YouTube that haven't aired in Canada yet. Why wait if you don't have to?)

All that to explain that I'm exhausted, so I'm going to go to bed and do a bit of reading - magazine reading, which is part of what I need to get done - and then call it a night, so I can attack tomorrow with the same amount of energy.

With any luck, I will feel more pulled together by this time tomorrow night. Fingers crossed!

Total debt: $2731 and a bit
Spent yesterday: Just under $10, but it was leftover from the week before!
Spent today: $80-ish. (BIG grocery shop)

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