Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hurry up and wait

I am feeling very overwhelmed these days. Ever since my vacation in early September, I just haven't felt on top of my life. Do you know what I mean? It's like I'm two (or three or four) steps behind at all times, trying to catch up. And I hate feeling that way! I like to be at least half a step ahead of the game.

I know, I know - cry me a river! Lots of people walk around feeling like I've been feeling all the time. But it's not for me, I tell you!

And yet, I keep pursuing and taking on more freelance work. I'm loving all the freelancing! I just need to get a little more on top of it. Which is why I (sadly) cancelled my plans tomorrow night. I was supposed to have a little pot luck with two great women I am still just getting to know. And I was really looking forward to it! But when I laid in bed last night fretting about everything I need to accomplish this weekend, I realized that sometimes we have to know our limits. So I'll see them next week instead. And this weekend will be all about playing catch up and then slowing way down and chilling out a bit.

It's very, very needed.

But right now I'm going to go and watch "The Office." It's my favourite, but I'm sad that the DP is still at work! It's one of the only shows we watch together. Alas!

Total debt: $2731 and a bit (They tell me the money is coming!)
Spent today: $20.65 (Kitty litter and I totally bought Japanese food for dinner. BUT I got lunch for tomorrow out of it as well. Yes!)
Weekly total: $80.10 (Way under! Yay me.)

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