Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hot bath dead ahead

It is freezing in our apartment.

Since we live under someone else's roof, we do not get to decide when to turn on the heat or how warm to make it. And since late May is usually when Torontonians are being reminded what "humidex" means, the powers that be have obviously decided we have no more need for heat until late September.

But after spending the long weekend being cold up north, because I hadn't packed my gloves or my winter coat, the boyfriend and I came home to a frigid apartment. Because of course we had left the windows open so it wouldn't get stuffy. BECAUSE IT IS LATE MAY!!

Even though the windows have all been closed for more than 24 hours now, it's still bloody cold. In fact, while I was in the kitchen making dinner, I turned a burner on high to try to generate a little warmth. Dangerous? Perhaps. Necessary? Definitely.

All this to tell you that I will be ending this post shortly in favour of a tub of very hot water. (I like my baths hot hot. Just like my men. That's a shout out to the boyfriend who loves me despite the fact that I'm wearing my "home" uniform, which consists of loungey pants, an old tanktop and - because it's so cold - my very old and faded Lego Creative Play Centre sweatshirt. He might even deserve a parade for loving me like this.)

Total debt: $7221 and a bit
Spent over the last four days: $48-ish

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