Monday, May 5, 2008

30 days for full refund

Do you want to know a good way to start a Monday? By getting a $7 refund on your April metropass, because the stupid transit system went on strike and ruined a whole weekend of fun. Now, I think my missed fun was worth more than $7, but I'll take what I can get!

(Bad way to start a Monday - dropping an entire tub of yogurt on the kitchen floor that I had the impetus to finally wash at 9:30pm the night before. Sigh.)

Along with the wee refund, I also returned the pair of metallic flats that I bought a couple of weeks back. (Don't tell anyone, but I *did* wear them to work one day. The blisters were killer, but the soles were pretty clean looking, so I got myself a refund. Bad retail karma? Perhaps.)

I also took a trip back to Joe Fresh to return two of the shirts I bought on a whim last week. This trip was slightly less successful, because I ended up leaving with three shirts... However, one of them may be going back, so I'll break even in the end.

Whoever created return policies should have a statue erected somewhere. We just cannot be trusted to spend without the option of regretting and returning. Now if only I could somehow return without ever setting foot in the mall and therefore being tempted by all sorts of other things to buy...

Truth is that I still do need metallic flats - hopefully ones that are far more comfortable. I'll be on the lookout in Montreal.


Total debt: $7561 and a bit
Spent today: $18 (but that's the shirt I might return...)

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