Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow day

Payday! (The first of three this month. Ain't life grand.)

If you are reading this from the greater Toronto area, or if you've seen a national newscast in the last 24 hours, you are aware that the city has ushered in February with a big dump of snow. Enough that I chose not to wedge myself onto a subway, but rather stay cozy in my loungey pants, working remotely. Ah, working from home! It always seems like such a good idea...

And then the boyfriend leaves for work. And still it's okay for a bit. I make myself a cup of tea and think, "I'm drinking my tea in my loungey pants on a workday!" And I settle in to get started on things. I must admit, I am very productive when I work from home. Maybe it's because deep down I feel guilty that I'm not at the office with everyone else, so I work extra hard to compensate.

Anyway, suddenly noon will roll around and I'll realize that still being in my loungey pants with unbrushed teeth is starting to feel gross, so I'll shower and put on some real clothes. But then that always feels kind of weird, because I'm rarely dressed in real clothes at home. (Ask the boyfriend - he'll tell you.)

By early afternoon I start to feel despondent. I am a very social person (Growing up I never received a report card that DIDN'T say "social butterfly" on it.) I require interaction. By the time 5pm rolls around, I start counting down until the boyfriend comes home, because even phone calls aren't enough at this point. I need an audience! Sad, but true.

Only the boyfriend was heading out to a movie with a friend tonight - a movie I wasn't interested in spending any of my budget on - so I was doomed to spend many more hours alone before I could breathe the fresh air that interaction brings.

I decided that actual fresh air would have to do. And would likely be good for me. Besides, I was desperate to go to the grocery store, because my cookie-baking urge could not be squashed. So I bundled up and headed out into the winter wonderland. And it was really pretty outside. And I was really happy to be out of the apartment. And I was perhaps a little overly friendly with the cashier at the grocery store, because she was the only person-to-person contact I'd had since 8:30am this morning.

(You know, like many people who write for a living, I harbour a not-so-secret fantasy about writing full-time from home. Preferably witty novels that get optioned into Hollywood screenplays that all the young starlets fight over. How I would manage being alone all day every day with only my cat for company is beyond me. Particularly since my cat requires a lot of attention and isn't all that good at giving me the attention I need and deserve.)

(Maybe I shouldn't have children...)

Back at home, post-dinner, waiting for the butter to soften so I can fulfill my cookie baking and eating needs, I hear the key in the lock. It's the boyfriend!! He's home to drop his stuff off and brush his teeth before his outing, so I only get about 20 minutes tops. I am filled with glee and proceed to dance around the apartment like a maniac, releasing all my pent-up energy. He smiles nervously and runs away....I mean see the movie.

I'm pretty sure I was one of those yappy lap-dogs in another life.

(I know a gym visit would have helped with all the energy, but the January blahs have easily transitioned into the February blahs, making excessive, organized motion nearly impossible.)

The good news of the day is that I made a nice big loan payment. Such a great feeling. Although a little less great when I noticed that my interest charge was added to my account. Interest sucks. But it could be worse. My loan could be with someone named Big Moe and my interest payments could involve broken arms and black eyes.

Money spent on a few groceries, including baking supplies.

Total debt: $10,000 and a bit more than a half (Soon it will be only four digits instead of five!)
Spent today: $12

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME, Sissy! I'm so proud of you!

(And yes, I did watch the news and see Toronto. And winced. I won't tell you of my amazing walk outside in a nice, temperate climate. Oops. I just did. Though I'm being a brat, because the earlier part of this week was pretty miserable and snowy. So.)

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