Sunday, February 10, 2008

Let's hear it for the boy

The boyfriend did a lovely thing for me today. We were out running errands and ended up at our favourite magazine store, browsing the racks. It's a good month for mags, because the March issues look big and healthy after anemic January and February issues. I was jonesing to give one a good home. Particularly since my early morning trip to the laundry room revealed a tragic turn of events - the free magazine table is GONE! So sad. I can only hope that people will just keep bringing them down and leave them IN the laundry room, rather than outside by the elevator.

Anyway, back to my longing.

We were just getting ready to go and the boyfriend says, "Not buying anything?" And I answered, "No, I'm going to be good. Besides it's just not in the budget this week." Well, he totally pulled out his wallet and handed me some money so I could make one the mags my very own. Isn't that sweet?

Some of you may not think this is a big deal. In fact, maybe some of you think he should buy me things, just because that's what boyfriends are supposed to do. I totally disagree. In fact, for the most part I try to keep things as even as possible. I don't want him to take me out on fancy, expensive dates, because I can't do the same in return for him. Of course, it can't help but get a little unbalanced at times, simply because his financial situation is healthier than mine, but in general I think we keep things in check.

My biggest fear is that he will in any way resent the amount of money he spends on me and feel that I'm not appreciative of it or that I expect it. That just creates tension, which can lead to a whole bunch of other problems. Besides, he's been so generous by giving me an interest-free loan to help me climb out of my own personal financial hell that I could never bear for him to feel like I'm treating him like a money tree.

I seem to recall chatting with a group of women once and I was lamenting about some dress that I couldn't afford. (Surprise, surprise!) And one of the women, someone I didn't know well, said, "Make your boyfriend buy it for you." I think my jaw hit the ground! Do people really feel this way? And do men actually date women that feel this way?

Rant over. I just wanted to tell you about how sweet the boyfriend is. It was a small thing that meant a great deal to me on this February afternoon.

Today's money was spent on a few more groceries, some insoles (The chewed up ones in my boots are getting uncomfortable to walk on.) and a cup of tea.

Total debt: $10,500 plus a bit more
Spent today: $7-ish

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just make sure to make him some extra special cupcakes or cookies to make up for it!

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