Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wherefore art though, fitness?

Remember that whole February Fitness Challenge that I did last month? Well, I was hoping that working out every day would a) bring my fitness back up to a respectable level after a long holiday/honeymoon hiatus and b) inspire me to be active everyday by showing how easy it actually is to fit 30 minutes in.

I totally accomplished the first goal, only to have it undermined by the complete failure of the second goal.

Yes, I was feeling good and fit. My muscle definition in certain easy-to-tone areas gave me reason to admire myself in reflective surfaces. I could leap up a couple of flights of stairs with nary the chance of wheezing. And I had lots of energy while also sleeping like a baby at night.

However, I was so sick of working out. And then life, in all its complicated glory, got in the way.

I had long decided that I would not be working out on March 1st. I just needed a break! And then I had to start wearing my glasses on the Tuesday, in prep for my laser eye surgery on the Friday, and I could not conceive of exercising in my old glasses that didn't really care to stay on my face if I leaned forward at all. Then it was my surgery and I was told I had to take it really easy for a week. Then I went in for my check-up last Friday and the doctor said to still be really careful this week.

Basically, other than a few outdoor strolls, I have been to the gym ONCE this month. And during that single visit I walked on the treadmill. Sometimes with a bit of an incline. And then I went home. So all that muscle tone I had been admiring has gone the way of cupcakes and comfort food. (There were lasers in my eyes, people!)

So, time to get back to it. I'm planning to go at lunch tomorrow. Hold me to that, will ya!

Oh, as for those March goals I set...

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