Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 1 - Slaying the demons

When I came up with the idea for this challenge - the main writing challenge, I mean - I was very excited. I really like the project I'm working on and I was anxious to regularly devote some time to it, rather than just think about how I should be working on it.

And then today dawned. And all the expected feelings kicked in:

I was too tired. I was kind of burned out from work. "Lost" was on. I still need to cut out my skirt for sewing class. There was laundry to fold.

Besides, it's probably not such a great idea anyway.

GAH! Why do our brains get in our way so much?

I pushed away all the distractions and the negative Nelly thoughts and just sat down to write. The first five minutes did not go so well. The scene I was in middle of did not want to move forward, so I wisely abandoned it and jumped ahead. And before I knew it I'd written 551 words. Just like that.

This just proves that I picked the right challenge!

As for that other goal, I managed to ingest about 7 servings of fruit and veggies today:
- A banana
- An apple
- Tofu veggie curry (2 servings)
- Big salad with dinner (3 servings)

Tip: Chop up some purple cabbage to add colour and tons of vitamin C to your salad!

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