Thursday, March 18, 2010

The genius of doing things differently

So, once again I've been meditating on the Einstein quote: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Every time I hear or read this quote I identify with it and tell myself that I have to take it to heart and live my life with this idea emblazoned in Technicolor across my psyche.

A moment later I forget my vow and just keep trucking along in the same groove as always, all the while wondering why the stuff that's not working in my life still isn't working.

Well, tonight I made some minor progress in that arena. I'm hoping it will lead to some bigger leaps forward.

You see, I was drawn to the mall today both by the spring preview Mother Nature is giving us and a 30% off coupon to Gap/Banana Republic/Old Navy. (I had forgotten it was March Break until I arrived to find throngs of tweens and teens hopped up on food court fare lollygagging through the Eaton Centre in identical outfits. Oops.) I started off at BR and holed myself up in a fitting room with a pile of jeans and chinos, desperate to find some sort of covering for the bottom half of my body that fits both my generous posterior and my waist. It was, of course, an exercise in heartbreak.

I did, however, soothe my hurt feelings with a lovely cardigan:

The next stop was Jacob, where I tried on another armful of pants and had the exact same experience. Actually Jacob was even worse, because even though I was trying on the same size that I had tried on at BR, they didn't fit AT ALL. Vanity sizing sucks ass.

So as I was walking through the mall towards The Gap, I thought about how I've failed at buying pants of late. Part of my head argued that I was going to places where I had purchased the other pants that I have in my closet, so logic follows that these stores should carry stuff that works for me. The other part of my brain reminded me that none of those pants were recent buys, so perhaps I had to accept that the stores I would normally turn to no longer have my back(side).

This lead me to take a detour just before reaching The Gap, to a store that I would not normally go into. A store that sells all-purpose knives and camping lanterns, for the love of God! I went into Eddie Bauer. And while I still didn't have any luck with a pair of chinos, I did buy an awesome pair of Curvy Fit Boot cut jeans for $49.99! And they don't look like I should be wearing them in the wilderness!

Thus far, doing things differently turned out remarkably well. I guess I should really see about applying that to some other areas of my life.


Anneke said...

Try Reitmans. Honestly. There pants are awesome. The comfort collection pants are amazing.

Paronomaniac said...

Eddie Bauer is actually pretty awesome. The stores don't always have workwear but if you check out the website or get their catalogue (which Brian gets) you can find some awesome urban clothes. I'm kind of in love with what they have.

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