Sunday, January 31, 2010

February fitness challenge!

I'm sure this is well-documented on this blog, but February and I are not such good friends. I find the shortest month of the year the toughest one to get through. Something about the holidays being long done and spring still so far away just does me in. Oh, and the awful, awful seasonal affective disorder. It can change my personality a full 180 degrees, until the Husband is worriedly asking me what he can do. Sometimes all I seem capable of is sitting and doing nothing. Feeling absolutely nothing, which is super weird and kind of scary.

However, with February just around the corner, I seem to be doing okay! And I want to keep that momentum going by filling my month with fun and giving myself a little challenge.

Here's the challenge: I am going to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every single day in February. I will document my success here on the blog and if I reach my goal, I get to buy some new Lululemon togs!

This challenge will hopefully keep the blues at bay AND get me back in the exercise swing of things. Because between the wedding, the holidays and then the honeymoon, I have inadvertently decreased the amount of calorie burning/muscle building in my life while increasing the (already ample) amount of baked goods.

Ya. My clothes are a wee bit tighter. Plus I just don't feel as good as I usually do. And I find my age is starting to catch up with me a little, which is unacceptable. I want to be a spry senior citizen one day, easily able to take on flights of stairs rather than trapped at the bottom of a broken elevator. Prevention, people!

Stay tuned for my progress and send your suggestions of what Lulu wear I should buy at the end of it!


Acadian Librarian said...

What I find helps me is to set a larger fitness goal to work toward. This year, I will be do the 10K Bluenose in May (which is has some scary hills!) followed shortly by a sprint triathlon in June.

Unknown said...

I covet one of the new, short jackets with the assymetrical collar and ziiper - black with purple inside the collar. I'd buy that!

Great fitness challenge. Can you borrow a pedometer from the public library? It works well to have little competitions with yourself.

Or borrow a dog.

chantelguertin said...

Love this challenge! Maybe I'm going to try to do it too, and be inspired by you!

Tammy said...

Thanks for the ideas and support everyone! Carly, I think just exercising every day this month is a good goal for now. And Fiona, I love the idea of a pedometer, but I think I'll actually be hitting the gym every day, so the machines can tell me what's going on.
Finally, Chantel - do join me! The more, the merrier!

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