Sunday, March 1, 2009

In like a lion

Um, hi there. In case you didn't notice, I totally just stopped blogging for almost an entire week. Long enough that my own dad emailed me to find out if everything is okay. Everything is okay - no worries. I just sort of lost my blogging mojo. Probably because I've been busy spending money.

Yup. I've been on a spending spree of late. Here's a run down of the major purchases:

- A new iron (Almost entirely paid for by a gift card, but while in the store I also purchased...)
- A wok
- A set of sheets (We're down to only one set that fits our bed, so we need a second set. Sadly, the ones I bought, which said Queen/Full on the package, don't fit our bed at all. They do, however, fit the guest futon. Our guests last night said they were very nice sheets. So I still need to buy another set.)
- New running shoes (For my health.)
- Lots of groceries (Party supplies. We had a reunion of my old roommates here last night.)
- Lots of liquor (Also for the party. But we didn't buy enough. We ran out of red wine. Scandal.)
- A very pretty and pretty expensive dress (For the fancy wedding we will be attending in a month. It's red. I love it.)

So, clearly the credit card has been getting a workout. And clearly I am not on track with my budget, at all. And clearly the recession freak out I had last week did not stop me from spending, as I'd hoped, but drove me to spend recklessly lest the money stop rolling in.

Clearly I have a problem with logic.

Anyway, here I am. I will attempt to blog more regularly once again. I will have to wait until Friday to reset my budget, as I've already been spendy this week. And I'm still going to need to buy a set of sheets.

Tax goal: $2000
Current balance: $1700 (and holding...)

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