Monday, February 23, 2009


Had my first major recession freak out today.

I was industriously going about my day when I flipped over to Facebook for a brief break from the pile of pages on my desk. I only saw one status update. It confirmed that a former colleague - someone who had been a mentor in the earliest days of this, my second career - has been let go from her position at a major Canadian newsstand publication.

Suddenly, I felt panic. I had that heavy feeling on my chest, like someone has decided to just sit down on it. And I started thinking about all my frivolous spending lately. Personal training!? A fancy laptop!? I mentally started to meltdown, only I couldn't melt down because there was so much work on my desk that needed to be done.

Logically I know that I'd figure things out if I were to lose my job. I survived for many years with nary a notion of where next months rent would come from. But it always came from somewhere. Plus I have a partner who is gainfully employed on a television show that has just been renewed for another season. And I don't think my job is going anywhere. (But I fear that everyone thinks that same thought before it happens to them.)

So I called the DP and vented a bit to him. Then I went about my day. He arrived home with a bouquet of pink tulips for me and some reassuring words. Then I went to the gym to meet my luxurious trainer and she worked me so hard that I simply don't have the energy left to be worried anymore.

Still, I have to pay attention to the reality of the world right now. It's time to be grown up and smart about where and how we spend. At the same time, it costs money to live and life is for living.

This is the eternal struggle.

Spent today: $0 (I fully left my wallet at home by accident. It was the last Monday in February - what do you expect?)
Tax goal: $2000
Current balance: $1700


Paronomaniac said...

Oh no, was it someone at Canadian Living? I saw that Transcon let go of 28 people in publishing and five (I believe) were from Canadian Living. But I'm sure you will be just fine! That pile of work on your desk won't do itself!

Anonymous said...

That is the best part about life. Although we go on day by day thinking that all is rosy,it is always reassuring to step back and see how it can change in a heart beat. It makes us look at ourselves on the inside and ask the questions, can I do better?, can I do more? and what changes should I make to be a better person to improve my position on this earth? As long as the answers to your questions make you feel good then life is positive and you will do good.

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