Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tammy's blog 2.0

Several years ago, as I was transitioning out of the "age of disillusionment" that was my 20s and crashing into true adulthood with a new career and new frontiers to conquer, I noticed a really alarming trend around me.

People were using the phrase, "I can't" a lot.

It seemed counter-productive to me. As we grow older and (hopefully) gather more wisdom and experience along the way, shouldn't the list of things we CAN do get longer and longer?

Sure, there are certain undeniable facts that get in the way of this idea. It's true that I can't be an Olympic gymnast, given my age and the fact that I could never do anything backwards. But I could still be an Olympian, if that was one of my desires. And yes, any hopes I had of being a child prodigy are pretty much shot considering the white hair is coming in faster than I can say "Natural Instincts, Dark Brown." Plus, since I'm not down with bone-lengthening surgeries, I will never be two inches taller.

But here's the thing: I'd rather focus on what I CAN do. I want to add to that list. In big ways, small ways, important ways and frivolous ways. Because now that I've added "Pay off $12,000 in student loans in less than a year" to my CAN list, I'm ready to tackle some more things.

And, if you'd like, you can come along for the ride. Better yet, you can share the ride with me by leaving me comments and filling me in on your own triumphs over the word "can't." If you're so inclined, let me know and you can write a guest post about things you've recently discovered you CAN do.

So, a new adventure. Here we go...


Anonymous said...

Tam - I love the new look and the new concept!! xo

Cat London said...

Go Tammy go! I *can't* wait to see what you come up with. Oh, wait, that's not in keeping with the new spirit. I can wait, but ... well, anyway, you get the point.

Cat London said...

Oh, by the way, I think your next can should be "I can Canadianize the spelling of my blog's tagline!"

Tammy said...

Done and done. Thanks Cat!

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