Friday, March 20, 2009

A little wet behind the ears-ish

My first CAN came about in an unexpected way last night. Let me regale you with the tale...

In a rare moment of clarity during my subway ride home after work, I suddenly realized that my keys were still on my desk at the office. Luckily the subway was just pulling in to Bloor Station, which happens to be near the DP's place of employment, so I hopped off and gave him a call. But rather than just pick up his keys and hurry on home to clean the bathroom, which really needed to be done as we were expecting a house guest later in the evening, I asked if he wanted to have dinner downtown. Lucky for me, he accepted! (Unexpected dinner dates with your DP are always a good thing.)

I chose the new Jack Astors location, right at Yonge and Bloor. I know, I know! Why choose a chain restaurant when there are so many great independents around? Truth be told - I quite enjoy a restaurant with brown paper on the tables and your own stash of crayons for doodling. Maybe it's leftover nostalgia for my years of touring with kids shows and stopping at every chain restaurant across the provinces of Ontario, B.C. and Alberta.
So there we are in our cozy little booth, surrounded by framed Far Side cartoons, enjoying our garlic pan bread, watching America's Funniest Home Videos on one of the many televisions (that show is totally one of our guilty pleasures) and waiting for our main course to arrive when...

(Can you hardly stand the suspense!?)

... a precariously balanced drink menu fell against my pint glass of ice water (thankfully missing my wine), causing a Niagara Falls like cascade of frigid H2O onto my lap. And all over the floor. In front of a whole bunch of people.

What did I do? you ask.

I laughed my ass off!

Sure, it was slightly embarrassing and thoroughly uncomfortable. And, well, wet. But so not a big deal. Definitely not something to get upset over in any way, shape or form. The staff sprung to action and replaced our soaked paper tablecloth (I'd ruined the art work that I'd started!), gave me a stack of napkins to sit on, to hopefully mop up the moisture in my lap, and cleaned up the mess on the floor. And then we went on with our dinner, which was delicious. Except that the only chocolate dessert item on the menu is $3 more than any of the other dessert items, which is both clever and totally evil on their part.

So I CAN laugh at myself, even when I make a fool of myself in public.

That's an important one!

This is my favourite Far Side cartoon. Thanks Gary Larson!

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