Monday, March 30, 2009

All's right in the world of me

If you also happen to be following my life on Facebook, you'll know that I had some tummy troubles recently. Awful afternoons full of bloating, pain and all the undesirable things that go along with those sorts of symptoms. It was really brutal and I was starting to wear down the carpet between my desk and the closest bathroom.

Anyway, in an effort to get to the bottom of it (pardon the pun), I made an appointment to see a naturopath. Since I'm covered under my insurance policy, I figured it couldn't hurt. However, in the days leading up to my appointment I discovered what the culprit was: my cereal. I had started eating Kashi Go Lean Crunch and, despite its yummy yummy flavour, the soy protein in it was killing me. Seriously, google "Kashi Go Lean Crunch" and "gas" and you'll find a whole community of people commiserating with each other.

It was a little too late to cancel the appointment, so I decided to go anyway. My theory was that she could still check me out and maybe help me with some nutrition questions. So there I am on Friday afternoon in her calm office painted soothing neutral colours and furnished entirely with Ikea, which is also calming in its familiarity. I tell her the cereal tale and she nods knowingly, having heard it all before. She says that she'll ask me some questions to get a picture of my overall health and see if there's anything else she can help me with.

Well, after a whole raft of questions, a physical examination, a blood glucose test and a urinalysis, she declared that I was the healthiest person she'd ever seen.

Go figure! I guess I'm doing something right.

I CAN be healthy! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the gym, because in order to stay healthy I have to keep working at it. How annoying.


Acadian Librarian said...

Good for you! BTW have you made progress figuring out the best balance for you and your hunger in the morning? I def vote for plain yogurt with granola, banana, cinnamon and ground flax... Happy tummy, happy blood sugar...

Tammy said...

I am back on the oatmeal with berries and milk, but have added a hard-boiled egg to the mix, to get some protein in. Oh and I also picked up some protein powder recommended by the naturopath, so sometimes I have that with milk and berries and half a banana.
All better!

Anonymous said...

Update please!

Anonymous said...


Tammy said...

I'm here! Just busy. More blogging coming soon.

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