Monday, March 9, 2009

Lovely glossy mags - twice as nice

So, I have lots of magazine subscriptions. Lots. Enough that our mail carrier may have a hate on for me and the stack on my bedside table never seems to get any lower. Sometimes I worry that one won't come and I won't even notice, which is pretty bad. But the opposite has happened.

Suddenly I'm getting two of some of them!

Twice in the past week I've arrived home to get the mail (I heart mail!) and had a flutter of excitement to see a small pile of magazines, only to find that they're duplicates. How disappointing!

But another thing that happens when you have copious magazine subscriptions is that you're constantly getting renewal notices. So perhaps it's possible that I renewed one too many times?

Must keep a closer eye on these things.

By the way, I can claim all those magazines on my taxes. It's one of the perks of freelancing! If only I could find a way to claim spa visits...

Tax goal: $2000
Current balance: $1900
Spent today: $0 cash, but I did charge a little trip to Shoppers...

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