Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sluggity slug slug

I don't want to brag, but I have a pretty kick-ass immune system. (Obviously I will be struck down with the plague or something of that nature now that I've gone public with my immunity.) I think it's because I get 8 hours of sleep the vast majority of the time, plus I eat my fruits and veggies. It could also be good genes. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) So it's not too weird that I made it through the whole winter without a cold. I had the beginnings of one at one point, but nipped it in the bud by doing some saltwater sinus flushes.

All this to say that I was caught off-guard last week when I got seriously sick for about 12 hours. Not cold virus sick, but stomach bug sick. Truly not fun. For a few hours I thought it was Norwalk, which the DP and I suffered through during Christmas 2005, but then I had a long nap and things took a turn for the better, so I thanked my lucky stars and had a piece of dry toast.

Anyway, the brief dalliance with illness threw my whole schedule out of whack. And, if you didn't know this about me, Tammy + Schedule = BFF.

The day after the sickness I was wiped out, which was probably dehydration. And I didn't manage to catch up on my rest before my crazy busy weekend of multiple birthday parties and a wedding. My fatigue kept me from working out, which is such a vicious cycle! Even when I logically know that a workout would both generate energy and help me sleep better, sometimes I'm just too damn tired to go. So I was sleeping badly and dragging my exhausted self around this week. Basically, my schedule went out the window and I've been floundering ever since. Hence, blogging got tossed out with the bathwater.

Now I'm running alongside the wagon and desperately trying to hop back on. Except the wagon will NOT slow down. Seriously, this long weekend could not have come any sooner.

In moments like this, when I'm trying to get my shit back together, I start to think about how I would like my life to look. And how I could change it to make it closer to that image. We really have quite a lot of power over how we live our lives, when you stand back to look at it. (This is one of the main reasons I do not perform anymore. Too much of that power was in other people's hands.) So that's what I'm going to think about this weekend.

I made it to the gym tonight. I feel sooooo much better.

Do you guys thrive when your time is scheduled or do you like to be footloose and fancy free?


Arlene said...

For me, too much of either can cause disharmony... I like my schedule and I like to be busy, but when there's too much on that calendar, I get tired and cranky. HOWEVER, I like those empty days when I can do whatever I want to do. Or not. But too many of those and I get bored. So, all that to say, I like a nice balance between scheduled and fancy free!!

Tammy said...

Arlene, you do make a very good point! I, too, start to panic when my schedule is jam-packed far in advance. But I most appreciate a "free" day when I've been staying on my schedule for a while. Too many free days and I'm spinning out of control.

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