Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Better Than Before - Day Two

I am going to make some sort of contraption, so I can high five myself and my accountability partner because I had such a great day! And she is doing so well! And she emailed Gretchen!

I have not eaten any added sugar (fruit is a-okay) or any white flour in TWO DAYS! Friends, I am a major sugar junkie, so this is big news. Also, I'm maxing out all the features on my Fitbit. Hence I hit my 10,000 steps today, helped by the fact that I had to go back home TWICE while trying to get my girls to school/daycare, because I forgot money/tokens and then my work computer. I also did a yoga class at lunch and then got off my bus early and walked an extra three blocks to get home. Take THAT!

I've also been using the food tracking/calorie counter on my Fitbit and stayed within my happy range these past two days. (My teeth are brushed, so nothing more tonight!) Woohoo! We had taco night tonight, but instead of having tortillas, I put all my fixings on a big salad. Which is not a sacrifice, because it's crazy yummy. My body has that light, contented feeling rather than bloated, yucky, worn down blahness.

I also drank 64oz of water each day. Woohoo!

Sadly, I went to bed super late last night. And my pre-bedtime time was spent looking at bad-for-me screens playing super dumb games on my iPhone. Boo! So my sleep tracker tells me I did not even hit 6 hours, which is really not good.

Hitting the hay with a book early tonight. Have to think ahead about tomorrow night, because we have an unexpected windfall of free tix for the fam to see a show. On a school night. Could be a really awful idea...

One more thing - even thought I have episode 7 of "Master of None" paused in front of me, waiting to start. I had a rough start to the day - see above about having to turn back twice. And later in the day I forgot my ATM card in a machine and it got cancelled. Normally I would have let those annoyances lead me down the path of treats, treats and more treats. But it didn't even cross my mind. Because I'm on this train, strapped in, ready to drive!

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