Monday, November 23, 2015

Better Than Before - Day Seven and Eight

I think I let the wagon roll too far ahead. I'm having trouble jumping back on!

A busy day of mom-ing, including dance class attendance, laundry, cleaning, playing, getting one kid's hair cut, buying the same kid new boots and shoes, buying the other kid birthday party supplies, wrangling both kids solo on busy city streets after they'd each consumed a lollipop and got the sugar crazies, watching "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas," making dinner, cleaning up after dinner, and listening to my two year old have exactly 1000 ear-piercing tantrums. My resolve to get back on track started strong and then went downhill quickly. Many yummy things were eaten. Too many. And so, in my all-or-nothing sort of brain, I went ahead and ate some more.

Listen, I cannot have baked goods in my house. This is not news to me, but it's one of those lessons I have to learn over and over (and over) again. It's one of the lessons that I can't seem to learn and that makes me crazy.

But today was a new day, right!? A new day that started with a three hour meeting that involved snacks... Oh, but I was good. For the first 2.5 hours, I was good. I had a single piece of cheese (because everyone was raving about the cheese) and a bunch of fruit. Then I had my veggies I had brought with me. And then, when noon was looming and it looked doubtful we were going to wrap up on time, I had a small, factory-made croissant. It was the lesser empty calorie bomb of the baked goods present - I checked the label - but it was my gateway drug.

Noon arrived, meeting adjourned, my planned gym visit got pushed, because I had actual work to do before my NEXT meeting. And I didn't even get out to run errands (AKA get my steps in) or pick up some healthy snacks. So I got hit with the afternoon hunger and consumed even more bad-for-me stuff that was close by. A big ol' X for me today.

As previously mentioned, I need to more clearly define the habits I want to make, in order to succeed in this endeavour. Therefore:

1. I will walk at least 10,000 steps a day. (Last week I averaged 12,658 per day, so this should be an easy win most days.)
2. I  will work out at the gym four times a week.

1. I  will track ALL my food, every day, even on the days that I know I'm eating more calories than I'm burning.
2. I will avoid sugar and white flour 90% of the time, only indulging for truly amazing things that are part of a shared event. No eating these items alone in my cubicle.

1. I will get at least seven hours of sleep each night.
2. I will do my knee exercises every day.
3. I will drink 64 oz of water every day.

Okay, that list feels daunting. But doable. I want to create these healthy habits and stick with them! Bring on tomorrow!

1 comment:

Crissy said...

That is a really, really, really busy day! Wowzers. I have zero responsibilities compared to you.

Long meetings are the best recipe for later gorging, right? Our biweekly staff meetings usually end with us all starving and cranky and then chomping down on french fries and cheeseburgers. Super healthy. Snack preparation is the key, I think. And If/Then planning. Which I need to start doing again.

And just to Be Gretchen for one sec: she suggests NOT having water drinking as one of your goals, just because most of us are actually doing totally fine on water consumption and are not dehydrated. So, like, one less thing to worry about. But of course you do whatever you want to do — I just felt OBLIGED to pass along the Gretchen two cents. (And I liked getting off the hook on that one.)

You're not far from the wagon! xoxo

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