Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Better Than Before - Day Three

Okay, quick post because we were out all evening with the kiddos and I am TIRED. So here's the fastest recap that my naturally chatty nature can handle.

Killed my 10,000 steps before I even had lunch! That's because I did this cheesy fun dance-based workout class called... wait for it... Sh'Bam! It was silly. They played Lady Marmalade. We were supposed to pretend to be sexy. Enough said.

Had a very good eating day, but not as perfect as my last two. That's because some sugar/white flour was consumed. At first it was totally unintentional. I did my very best to pick only the healthiest options at my salad bar lunch spot, bypassing the ridiculously delicious noodles that I love, but the little scoop of curried chickpea salad tasted on the sweet side... And so did the two little falafals I had. But, not so bad, right? Well, then we went to see Rudolph onstage tonight. (The reindeer, don't ya know.) My girls and husband split a cookie before the show. None for me! But then they split an ice cream bar at intermission and I had a teeny bite. Truly, very small. So I was still feeling good!

HOWEVER, when we got home, I saw from my Fitbit calorie counter that my calories were low for the day. So even though I wasn't HUNGRY and I'm trying not to eat after dinner, I had a slice of this yummy whole wheat bread with pumpkin seeds (flour and sugar, for sure) with peanut butter (natural stuff, so no sugar there). That JUST happened. I don't feel bad about the calories, but I do feel bad that I did it even though I didn't feel hungry...

Anyway, I also drank all my water and made it to 7 hours of sleep last night. So pretty damn good overall.

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